Salt Pond Bird Areas Sanctuaries, Inc. is a membership supported 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Your support helps to provide needed funds for our land acquisition, and to maintain our beautiful natural lands and walking trails for your enjoyment.

New Memberships & Renewals
Your membership will not auto renew unless you choose to make it a yearly donation during the checkout process.
Join by mail:
Click here for a printable Membership Form
Please print, fill out, and mail this form today to begin or renew your membership in Salt Pond Areas Bird Sanctuaries.
Notice: All contributions are deductible for purposes of Federal Income Tax under Section 170 of the Internet Revenue Code EIN 04-6125554
Salt Pond Areas Bird Sanctuaries, Inc. is a membership supported 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Salt Pond does not exchange nor sell its donors’ names or contact information.