NEW! Auto Renew Membership Program
Requires that you have a PayPal account.
As a convenience for members, Salt Pond has launched its Auto Renewal program.
Your card will then be charged at the beginning of the renewal month. By joining the Auto Renewal Program, you understand that your credit card will be charged at the beginning of your month of expiration for your next year of membership at the then-current rate. If you wish to leave the program at any time, you can simply click the “Cancel Auto Renew” button below or call (508) 548-8484 in advance of your month of expiration.
One-time Membership Renewals
Renew your membership manually, one year at a time. Your membership will not auto renew. Does not require that you have a PayPal account.
Join by mail:
Click here for a printable Membership Form
Please print, fill out, and mail this form today to begin or renew your membership in Salt Pond Areas Bird Sanctuaries.
Notice: All contributions are deductible for purposes of Federal Income Tax under Section 170 of the Internet Revenue Code EIN 04-6125554
Salt Pond Areas Bird Sanctuaries, Inc. is a membership supported 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Salt Pond does not exchange nor sell its donors’ names or contact information.